Design Sidekick logo

Save inspiration, use it later.

Design Sidekick is a free Chrome extension to help inspire your brand and manage your site's SEO. Discover, save, and copy colors, fonts, and styles used on any web page.

Get it in the Chome store

Instantly view page styles and tags

Design Sidekick surfaces everything you need so you can easily view styles or SEO tags found on a web page.


Identify the color palette on the page, sort by hue, lightness and usage, and save your faves.

illustration showing the interface for viewing colors used on the page, copying colors and saving to favorites.


Discover the page's font combinations. Save your favorite pairings to your library.

Illustration showing fonts used on the page along with controls to copy and save the font.

Text styles

View the text style details, copy the css or save it for later.

illustration showing the interface for viewing the css styles, copying the styles and saving to favorites.

SEO Checklist

Optimize your page for search and socials with our SEO and Open Graph checklist.


SEO tags


Open Graph


Content structure

Build your style library

Dig deeper into page elements with Design Sidekick's inspector. Save and copy styles to use on your website.

Inspect styles

Click on any element on a page to view all its design styles without having to open Dev tools.

Save to favorites!

Find styles you love and save to your library! Create a brand kit and copy styles directly onto elements in a Pagecloud page.

Graphic illustrating the various different kinds of styles that can be favorited.

Do more with a Pagecloud account

Create a free Pagecloud account to get more.


Unlimited favorites


Backed up


Synced across browsers


Use them in Pagecloud

An illustration showing styles from Sidekick being pasted  onto objects in Pagecloud

Copy and paste

Copy css styles to your clipboard. With a Pagecloud account, you can paste styles directly onto objects in your website

The perfect sidekick for


Discover fonts, color combinations and design styles

How did they do that? what font is this? What makes this design work so well? Design Sidekick helps uncover the answer for new and experienced designers.


Catalogue your favorite colors, fonts, and other styles

Inspire brand identity and build you brand kit. Identify and save any color, font, or element style used on any web page. Build up your library of favorites.


Make a splash in search and socials with all the right tags

View a list of all missing SEO and Open Graph tags. View your page’s Open Graph preview to ensure your URLs stand out in social media feeds.


Everything you need to know about Design Sidekick

Is Design Sidekick free?

Yes! Design Sidekick is a free Chrome extension powered by Pagecloud website builder.

How do I install Design Sidekick?

Design Sidekick will be available for installation from the Chrome Store soon and can be used in Google Chrome, Arc, Edge and Brave editors.

How can I use the styles after I've saved them?

Once you've saved design styles to your favourites, you can copy the CSS, colors, or fonts to your clip board to use elsewhere. If you are a Pagecloud customer, you can paste any style directly onto your Pagecloud website!

Where can I use Design Sidekick?

You can use Design Sidekick on any web page to view that page's styles and tags. Use Design Sidekick on your own website to check off all your SEO tags and maintain design conistency.

How can Design Sidekick help with my search engine marketing?

Design Sidekick is a great tool to help boost your SEO and search engine marketing by ensuring your SEO tags and Open Graph tags are available on all your web pages!

Can I use Design Sidekick without a Pagecloud account?

Yes! You do not need a Pagecloud account to use Design Sidekick, but there is more functionality when you use Design Sidekick when building a Pagecloud website.

Design Sidekick logo

A free extension that helps you quickly identify design styles, SEO tags, and content structure of any web page. Save and copy your favorite colors, font, and styles to inspire your website and brand kit.

Get the extension

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Pagecloud logo

Create a beautiful custom website and online store with Pagecloud website builder. Design Sidekick is the perfect companion to Pagecloud! Copy the styles you've found using your Sidekick directly into your Pagecloud website.


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Create websites and popups for free with Pagecloud website builder